Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Task 4

TASK 4 is here! Now here is your task..............

I know everyone dreams at night, sometimes you dont remember, sometimes you do, now I want you to make a scenery of ONE of your dreams. It doesnt matter if its scary, or beautiful, you just have to do a scenery of your dream. Good luck to all!

                            Yours Truley, Orkideh.

Task 3 Illimination

Candyloverxoxo: I think your scenery was beautiful, you did an awesome pose and wrote all the details of what you want to be when you grow up, but i think it would be better if you did a background  for the pose that is all the same color, though I understand you didnt have any.

Mannyperry: I love your scenery! Its really nice, you were unique, i loved the pose, but I dont understand why the top of the hand is a different color than the body. Please try to keep it the same color. You did great!

Gifts-4-ufairy: Well, you obveousily copied Mannyperry, with the hair thing, and that was one of the rules, not to copy. And half of your scenery is blank. Please be unique next time and dont copy. You still did a nice job.

JB_flmw: You did an amazing job, but i have never seen a pose on one of your sceneries, and I'd like to next time, so please do a pose on your next scenery. I also dont get wear the disco ball is hanging.

Manar08: Your scenery is very nice, Its really cute, unique and has a theme. But also, I think a pose would have made it even better!

Candyloverxoxo - You win, your scenery was great, i loved the pose, nice job!

Softballchic28 - you did not do your scenery, I even sent you 5 reminders, you still didnt, so you are illiminated.