Friday, December 2, 2011

Celebrities getting ready for Christmas?

Celebrities already have their Christmas outfits on! Check the pictures below to see your fave celebs getting ready for the Holidays!

Red And White Christmas Casual Comfortable Dress.
Separate white sleeves for red Christmas party dress.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Task 4 Illimination

Apperently, 2 of our contestants left this cycle: JB_flmw and  Gifts-4-ufairy.
Our new contastant, replacing them is MSW-taylor
she is entering with a wildcard.

Mannyperry: Your scenery and pose was great! Your pose looked absolutely great! I think your scenery was  very unique but maybe in the dream you could have added a background  of what you like your dream to be, like it could be flowers, or ghosts, it just has to show what your dream is a about.

Manar08: Your scenery was very spooky. I see what your scenery is about right when i see it without any description. I just think a little bit more detail would be nice in the background.

MSW-Taylor did not have to do this task.

                                WINNERS & LOSERS
The winner is MannyPerry and Manar08!!  Both your sceneries were great! Congratulations to all of you for making it to the semi-finals. Next task, you have to work hard to see if you will be a runner-up or not!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Task 4

TASK 4 is here! Now here is your task..............

I know everyone dreams at night, sometimes you dont remember, sometimes you do, now I want you to make a scenery of ONE of your dreams. It doesnt matter if its scary, or beautiful, you just have to do a scenery of your dream. Good luck to all!

                            Yours Truley, Orkideh.

Task 3 Illimination

Candyloverxoxo: I think your scenery was beautiful, you did an awesome pose and wrote all the details of what you want to be when you grow up, but i think it would be better if you did a background  for the pose that is all the same color, though I understand you didnt have any.

Mannyperry: I love your scenery! Its really nice, you were unique, i loved the pose, but I dont understand why the top of the hand is a different color than the body. Please try to keep it the same color. You did great!

Gifts-4-ufairy: Well, you obveousily copied Mannyperry, with the hair thing, and that was one of the rules, not to copy. And half of your scenery is blank. Please be unique next time and dont copy. You still did a nice job.

JB_flmw: You did an amazing job, but i have never seen a pose on one of your sceneries, and I'd like to next time, so please do a pose on your next scenery. I also dont get wear the disco ball is hanging.

Manar08: Your scenery is very nice, Its really cute, unique and has a theme. But also, I think a pose would have made it even better!

Candyloverxoxo - You win, your scenery was great, i loved the pose, nice job!

Softballchic28 - you did not do your scenery, I even sent you 5 reminders, you still didnt, so you are illiminated.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Task 3!

I know your probably thinking "FINALLY!" I'm sorry for delays, please do your scenery as soon as you read your task!

Task 3........

Your task is to make a scenery of what you want to be/do in the future! Please add a discreption in the gb about what you want to be and why! Good luck to all of you and dont forget

Yours Truley - Ashelyroyalice3 (Orkideh)

Task 2 Illimination

Hello everyone. So sorry for the delays again, i will be posting both illimination and Task 3 today since there was a huge delay.I have just been very busy with school and other things, again, sorry.
We have also changed some things here, from now on I will not post the sceneries, so if you want to see them, please go to the club.

Now lets start...............

Manar08: Well i have to say, you did a nice job! I like the way you organized the movie, it was very neat! But one thing I think you should have added is a little more detail. I think you should have added some people too.

softballchic28: Your scenery was really nice, but i think a little more detail would be nice, where are their bags and maybe you could have done a pose and added some of the Ocean. But you still did a nice job.

Starlighti.m: I'm sorry to say this, but your scenery is really to simple. I didn't really notice which part of the movie they were in, plus I think a pose and more details were needed. Please try better next time.

Candyloverxoxo: You did a very nice job, and you made the scenery like a real mall. You did do the pose, but please work on it because it looks like part of the leg is attached to the hand.

JB_flmw: Your scenery was great and just like the movie, but i think a pose was needed. I like the background you added, and i do understand the glitches.

MannyPerry: I didnt like your scenery at all.... I loved it!! It is so cute and nice, its just like the movie, the pose is perfect. Amazing Job!

Winners & Losers

All of you did amazing sceneries, i loved them all, but one person is being illiminated.

The winner is.......... Mannyperry! You did a great scenery and i LOVED it! Great Job.

I'm sorry, but Starlighti.m, you are illiminated, better luck next time!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Task 2

For Task 2 everyone will be assigned a scenery to make of a movie! You have to dress like or similiar to any of the actors and add details and pose if you can. If you havent seen the movie you can see the trailer on youtube or search for a picture of the movie and make a scenery like that.

JB_flmw - Harry Potter (any series)
Candyloverxoxo - Mall Cop
softballchic28 - Wizards/Waverly place the movie
Mannyperry - Mr.Popper's penguins
Gifts-4-ufairy - Green Lantern
Manar08 - 2012
starlightm.i - High School Musical

Task 1 illimination

Hello everyone.  Sorry for the delay, i have been very busy and had a huge fever so i couldnt post Task 1 Illimination. Here are the sceneries.....

This is about what to wear on the first day of school.Its a cute scenery...but if it didnt have a title i wouldnt know what its for. Maybe you could have added a different background in the squares or added a pose.
My rating: 2.5/5

I think this is a nice scenery, its a science Fair.  Maybe you could have added a background or a little more detal in the back. but i think you did a good job.
My rating: 3/5


You did a good job on this scenery.I know there as a glitch but that always happens. Nice Job.
My rating: 3.5/5

This is school prom. I think you should have added more detail because theres nothing much here..
My rating: 2.5/5

I like your scenery. It has alot of detail! I think you did a great Job! Very Creative.
I dont just give these out but my rating is 5/5


This is a cute scenery but i think you can work a little more on your pose because the leg is too long.
My rating: 3/5

I like your scenery, and you did a great pose. I think the background is nice too. But i honestly dont understand what it has to do with school.
My rating: 3/5

I like your pose and the details you put, but i think you should have done something more about school, as i said before, if it didnt have a title, i wouldnt know if its for school or not.
My rating: 3/5

I like your pose and its a creative scenery.I just dont know why your in clouds. Nice Job though!
My rating: 4/5

Winners & Losers
Everyone did a nice job

Winner of task 1- Manar08, Congrats!

Sorry Anabell558, you are illiminated.

Good luck to everyone on task 2.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Task 1 Cycle 2

Hello everyone! This is Task 1 of cycle 2!! Everyone you signed up got in, just so we know who is in, lets meet our contestants!!

9. morgismyname
13. manar08

Now incase your new to cycles, you have to have a pose in your scenery, have details, and do what ur assigned to do. Be unique and creative!

Everyone has to make a scenery of back to school. It can be your classroom, cafeteria, homework, anything to do with school!

Your scenery is due: August 31st 2011.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Cycle 2 Opening Up Tonight!

Tonight Cycle 1 is opening up, and sign ups will be out for EVERYONE! There are many many prizes and it will be an amazing and fun cycle so make sure to check back tomorrow morning to enter! Don't forget to tell your friends!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

1,000 Members!!!

Today, July 28th 2011, we got 1,000members in the club Pasion__Fashion!! Thanks to all the membersfor joining, bing active, inviting, and being an amazing club member! Thank you everyone for all the help and support to making the club and coming all the way to 1,000members! Don forget, keep inviting and being active! Thank You! Have a great Summer Everyone!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The winner of cycle 1!!

After about 2months of competition,  We have reached 2 runner-ups! And now we need a winner....Here are the sceneries the runner-ups made!



I am not gonna spend time telling everyone about their sceneries,, but i will say, that i liked soulandheart's scenery better, which means................


Here is what you girls get.........

Candyloverxoxo-2nd place-
Gift, Manager, Cycle 2 guest judge after
1st place,One of your sceneries will get voted
for a week, Medoll will go on Pasion__Fashion Mag.

Soulandheart-1st place-
 Gift, Manager, Prize, in this magazine,
Cycle 2 Judge,one of her best sceneries will
go on the home page,and voted on scenery
for a month


Soulandheart cannot join Cycle 2, she will be guest judge of cycle 2.

Missy_tinker and Candyloverxoxo, you 2 got a wildcard, so u will be entered in cycle 2 automatically.

Cycle 1 is now over and cycle 2 is on the way.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Finale Part 2!!!!!!!

FINALE PART 2, this is the most important part of the contest, so if you want tips, go to my, ashelyroyalice3's, Pasion Fashion magazine ( album) and look in the table of contents for tips for the cycle.

Here is FINALE PART 2!!!!!!!

Make a scenery about...YOU! Now i don't want a scenery full of words that describes u. what do u like to do? whats your hobby? make a scenery of you DOING that! Don't forget the tips!! Please have a description with your scenery too.

Finale Part 1 voting illimination!!!

Okay, its been more than a month since this competition has started, everyone had made amazing sceneries, but now only 2 runner-ups will be left. I did NOT choose the 2 runner-ups, the club members did by voting. Candyloverxoxo was already a runner-up because she won task 6 and didnt have to do finale part 1. Its been a hard competition, some sceneries were easy, some were hard, here are the results................

Candyloverxoxo is one runner-ups....... got 16votes!
Missy_tinker....You only got 8votes.

Which means Soulandheart is also a runner-up!!

But dont worry Missy_tinker.....

Here is what you get Missy_tinker
- voted on all sceneries for a day
-Wildcard entry to Cycle 2
-In my Pasion Fashion Magazine (album)
- Also a page about you in Pasion Fashion Mag.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Finale Part 1 voting!!

From Task 1, to the finale, 3 contestants got into the finale, they were.....



AND Candyloverxoxo which did NOT have to make a scenery and IS ONE of the runner-ups. Who will be the next one? Its up to YOU! Anyone can vote to see Who, Missy_tinker or  soulandheart, will be the other runner up. Vote on the poll right now! Voting ends Hine 10th. If missy_tinker or soulandheart vote for themselfs, they will be banned from the compitition. Candyloverxoxo cannot vote for anyone either.

Friday, June 3, 2011

FINALE Part 1!!!

Your task is to make a free-style scenery. Now don't leave yet. Make sure it has a UNIQUE AND AMAZING pose, has details, amazing scenery, and be unique!!

Candyloverxoxo does not have to make a scenery since she won task 6. Good luck!

Task 6 Illimination!

Hi everyone, task 6 was due in 3days but i am so glad everyone already made their sceneries!!

This is very important, because the next 3, will be in the finale. But there will only be 2 runner ups.

i have no idea why, but it will not let me post the sceneries, so i will just write what i think and the illimination an dtasks but no sceneries. If you want to see sceneries, then go to the club Pasion__Fashion.

I love your scenery. I like the background. Its a very cite scenery.

I like the leaves in the background. I think a pose would have been nice on this scenery. Good Job.

I like your scenery!! I like how you pretend that its spring in heaven and there is a unique pose too! Nice job!

This is a good scenery, I like the pose but maybe you should add more details and another pose next time.

Soulandheart: 3.5/5
Missy_tinker: 3.5/5
Candyloverxoxo: 4.5/5
Orkideh: 3/5

Which means Candloverxoxo wins this round and does NOT have to make a scenery! Congradulations SOulandheart, Miss_tinker and Candyloverxoxo, Your in the finale! sorry Orkideh, Your illiminated.

Now its up to Soulandheart and Missy_tinker!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Task 6!!

Task 6 is for seasonsm make sure ot have a pose and be unqiue!!!.......................

Orkideh - Summer
Candyloverxoxo - Spring
Soulandheart - Winter
Missy_tinker Fall

Task 5 illimination!

I am very sorry, it would not let me post the sceneries, if you would like to see them, visit the club Pasion__Fashion and click on Sceneries.

Your scenery was a little to simple for me....It could use more detal. Since u did Hanna Montana the movie video game, you should have used miley cyrus not yourself.

You did high school Musical.You need a pose. I like how you used all the characters from the movie. Nice Job.

Soulandheart -
I love your scenery. It has a nice voice and is unique. Good Job.

Missy_tinker -
You did a nice scenery. I like the pose and detail to it. Nice Job.

Orkideh - 2/5

Candyloverxoxo - 3/5
Soulandheart - 4/5
Missy_tinker - 3.5/5
Manar08 - did not make a scenery

Which means Soulandheart wins this task and Manar08 is illiminated.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Task 5!!!

Task 5, can be very tricky, You have to make a scenery of a video game, make a pose, a unique pose, if i have told you to do a different pose from last time, then please do a different one. Please write "task 5" next to the title of your scenery. Put the name of your video game on the scenery title with "Task 5" please. The video game has to exist. Good luck!

Task 4 illimination!!!!!!

Hello Everyone!
Task 4 illimination had a delay....But now the contest is back on, and today we are illimating someone, then only 5 people will be left in this contest.....Here are the results:


I love this scenery! I like the poses, i think you should have done a pose for yourself too, but i still think its a nice scenery. Nice Job!
My rating: 4/5


This is a good scenery, i think you could have done a pose, i know why the couch isnt on the floor, it always happens, but i like how u were creative! The boy should have had a little pose too.

My rating: 3/5


Well, First of all, the pants aren't on your medoll, i think you should have tried to make it stay there, 2nd, one of the people in the back is way taller than the rest, and 3rd, please do a different pose for next time.

My rating: 2.5/5


This is a cute scenery. You did a pose, its neat, i love the background, thought maybe a teeny more detail to the backgroumd or other wise, its great scenery!
My rating: 4/5


I always love your sceneries, and i also love this one! This is so unique and amazing! I love how ur always so creative! I love this scenery so much!

My rating: 5/5


This is a great scenery!!  u were so unique and that was part of the task! the middle is a little empty, and i think you should do a different pose for next time, but u did a great job!

My rating: 4/5

Now we will say who is illiminated and who won this task:

I am sorry to say this but.....Chelseabug09, You are illiminated.

Soulandheart won this task, Congrats!
Soulandheart, You are also doing task 5.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Task 4!!!!!

Please read this entire topic before leaving.

TASK 4 -
For Task 4, you will have to make an AMAZING, BREATH-TAKING Scenery! Be unique and creative! Make a unique pose! Make a scenery that will make my eyes pop out of my head! :p I will be judging Task 4!

Task 3 illimination!!!

Hey everyone!!

For Task 3, i was not judging, so it was up to Liajm, Our amazing guest judge!

Now here are the entries for Task 3.

Liajm said...........................
I'm not too big of a fan of the comic strip types of sceneries...but this one is pretty cure! I really like the dining room you created, but I think your creation of rain could have been better. Overall pretty good though!


Liajm Said.............................
I think you have an interesting concept, and I liked that you tried a complex pose! However the pose still needs a lot of work, and I would suggest using something that is all one color to cover up the extra parts. But I really like the server, and the dreamy atmosphere!



Liajm Said..............
This is really cute and ALMOST perfect. The foot should have boo switched (turned the other way) cause it is not physically possible for your foot to bend that way. But I really love everything else!



Liajm Said........................
This is a little too simple for me. I can barley see your doll, and that should be the main focus. You did lay everything out really nice though!


Liajm Said.................................
Wow I really like this! It's so creative, and really cute! You look so happy, as you should when having a feast! The only thing I do not understand is why you're on an ice rink...


Liajm said..............................
This is really too simple for me. I like the background, but where are the people? What's a feast without someone to eat it?

Manar08 did not have to make a scenery since she won Task 2!


Someone has to go, and someone will win....., you are illiminated. sorry.

We have 2 winners! Soulandheart and chelseabug09 win Task 3!!


Monday, May 9, 2011

Task 3!!!!!!!

Task 3 is to make a scenery about a HUGE FIEST!! Dinner, lunch, breakfast, anything! Just make a huge meal and party! :)

Our guest judge is Liajm!

She will be rating the sceneries.

Good luck!

Task 2 Illimination!!!

Here are the results for Task 2! I know it was supposed to be announced in a few days, but everyone already did their sceneries!


Its a pretty hard choice This time.....


Nice scenery but i think since ur color was green, there should be more green added.



This is an amazing scenery. I love who u used all blue and used Fashion clothes. i LOVE the pose. Amazing Job!



You were accsigned Black. And this is more like black and white. I think the outfit should have been black too. And a pose would have been nice.



This is an awesome scenery. i like how u used all red too. And i love the pose. It is a very unique scenery.



I also like how u used all pink. i think u should put some shoes on my medoll. The pose is cute. But i dont get my pose. i can se ethe arm under the pose. Please work on that.

MY RATING: 2.5/5

Manar08's Scenery:
I love this scenery. I like the mirror reflection. And i understand why u wouldnt do the pose. Great Job!!

My Rating: 5/5!!

This is a cute scenery. I like the background color. I like your pose but the hands seems to skinny.

My Rating:

Soulandheart did not have to make a scenery because she won Task 1.

We have a 3 way tie! The 3 winners are Manar08, Chelseabug09 and Candyloverxoxo. I closed my eyes and chose someone who doesnt have to do task 3...and that person is.....


You do not have to do Task 3!

Now illimination:
Sorry sweet.Pea.14, you are illiminated, you got the lowest rating. Sorry.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

TASK 2!!!

Okay everyone!!
Task 2 is about colors!



Ok now eahc of u have a different color, u will have to make a scenery with that color.

Orkideh: green
Candyloverxoxo: Blue
Sweet.Pea.14: Black
Chelseabug09: red
Missy_tinker: Pink
Manar08: Purple Brown

Make a scenery with the colors u were assigned!!Since Soulandheart won task 1, she will not need to make a scenery for TASK 2.

TASK 1 Illimination!!!

Hey everyone!
My friend has been waiting for tonight since the contets came.

So here are the results:
Orkideh's scenery:

I like this scenery and teh pose is pretty cool.  the things on the table should be a little more spread out buts it very nice(: and cute pose!

My rating: 4.5/5

Candyloverxoxo's Scenery:

Well....This scenery is kinda plain with not much things in it. u could add mor edetails and the writing takes up most the scenery. i think their are only 10 things in this scenery.

My rating: 2/5

Sweet.pea.14's scenery:

I dont get all the balloons and its plain too but its a nice scenery.

My Rating: 3/5

Chelseabug09's scenery:

I like the pose but this is also a plain scenery. I think a little more details should be added. Maybe butterflies or birds?

My Rating: 3.5/5

Missy_Tinker's Scenery:
Well there is no pose in this scenery but its very cute. I like how u put birds in the sky instead of leaving it empty. Nice job.

My Rating: 3.5/5

Manar08's Scenery:
Well i like the pses. I think on my medoll the leg should bend by the knee and i heard u put that ball in the air which u didnt want there so be more careful please.

My Rating: 4/5

Soulandheart's Scenery:

This is an awesome scenery! You used so many detaisl and u were unique! It does look like u put random things but its a really great scenery!

I dont just give out 5's but my rating is: 5/5!

Teens.Are.Cool's Scenery:

Well i like the pose u put on a medoll but the diy colors u used doesnt match the background and i see flowers at the bottom. I see what u were tryign to do but be more careful please.

My rating: 3.5/5


This is a really plain scenery. I think all you did is add medolls and dress them up. No pse, no details....

My Rating: 1.5/5

Okay now, One person is getting illiminated.

Sorry Jelenarad and BADGURLSHOT, You are illiminated,You did not make a scenery.

Soulandheart had a great scenery so she wins THIS TASK!